Mini me
I have been off gallivanting in the warmer climes of the Northern American continent, and yes, I had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. I hope you did too. No, I didn't send out Christmas cards this year- and I'm not gonna feel guilty, so stop tryin!
For the first time since the monkey hit this planet's oxygenated atmosphere, I have been employed for a stretch longer than two weeks. I don't know how all you 9-5 working moms do it... Between the never-seeing-the-baby-guilt, the oh-my-god-I'm-so-tired-so-why-don't-we-eat-dry-cheerios-for-dinner-guilt, and the if-my-hubby-hasn't-had-an-affair-yet-from-lack-of-sex-yet-then-thank-god-for-internet-porn-guilt, I bow to you, oh working mom. I am pooped. I love my work, and it's mostly on evenings and weekends, but it's really tiring and takes up all my evenings and weekends. Weird how that works, eh? Anyway, I'm sending a Ellen DeGeneres-esque "HOLLA!" to the full-time working moms out there. ( of course if you're a working mom without TIVO, you probably don't get the Ellen reference, but oh well.
I am told that tonightwhilst I toiled away, my Monkey threw an all-out cookie-monster fit. She didn't want the Crackers, Graham cracker sticks, or the honey-nut-cheerios (all of which are referred to as "COOKIE!!!) but tearfully demanded nothing less than the contents of the giant bag of bite-sized candy-bars- apparently now also called COOOOOKKKKKKKIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! I'm not sure if we should go ahead and count this as her first raging PMS craving or not. I think the PMS cravings will last longer than a half-hour (God Help us!) and for now, I'd prefer to have the PMS market cornered in this house.